Beaux-Arts (to be translated)

Works of art, drawing, painting, engraving, vitail, pottery jewellery are all means of artistic expression that allow me to express my emotions, reveal my moods, atmosphere and share with you a range of varied vibrations according to the techniques of Fine Arts used. My curiosity leads me in a multidisciplinary of explorations in my path that allows me to offer you unique and original objects.
Birth of a bird P17
The birth of a bird is a unique work of art produced as part of the Journal en images project, pag..
Camouflaged duck P3
Camouflaged Duck is a unique work of art produced as part of the Journal en images project, page ...
Consciousness food
A work done during an event at L Écart ... current art venue in Rouyn-Noranda, Abitibi, Quebec. In..
Full empty
Full empty isa unique work, an acrylic on canvas gallery representing the full and empty of the ma..
One hundred genies
The work of art "One hundred genies" is part of a body of acrylic paint mounted on canvas, made in..
Painting Exbalam
The discovery of the ancient Mayan ruins, climbing the steps of a thousand-year-old temple in Dzib..
Painting Sea Discharges
Ecological reflection on the consequences of the actions of consumers in the North and the repercu..
Roots North South
The union of commonalities between humans and the differences between our territories weave a warm..
Shivers in Santa Lucia
At the time of colonization benches were designed to give way to romantic encounters in the park o..