• Consciousness food

A work done during an event at L Écart ... current art venue in Rouyn-Noranda, Abitibi, Quebec. In the fall, at the opening of the new program in 1993 , fifteen artists were invited to reflect for three months, on a text proposed by this artist-run center entitled Entre l être et le bark. He suggested we wander in nature and think about the text submitted, to collect natural elements to integrate them into our work or to sketch on this theme. My thinking is around the fate that we do to the planet and mainly to trees. The human has the habit of shaving everything on the ground before building a family or commercial building. To do clearcuts because it is easier and faster than a healthy management of the forest, to trace your initials and those of the beloved on the trunk or to tear off the bark of the birches, banal gestures premium on board but harmful. Cities and humans encroach on the plant territory without paying too much attention. Cities grow like mushrooms and transform the territory inhabited by fauna and flora. From which emerges in the composition of my painting in the foreground a parallel of the nurturing woman of human beings and the trunk of mutilated tree from which springs the eye and an arm of the trunk carrying a tray of food having the power of to transform the ecological consciousness and the gaze of humans inhabiting the planet. A playful utopia is the result of my reflection in this work.

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Consciousness food

  • 1,733.00$

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